The quality of the products offered to our clients has always been of the utmost importance to our firm. We intend to continue this way and to improve our processing through a constant vigilance being aware of the needs of the market, respect for the environment, and in accordance with the regulations in force.

To guarantee our clients a genuine and healthy product we work exclusively vegetables of controlled origin, 80% of which comes directly from our own growing; we use our own seeds (radicchio) or bought GMO Free seeds.

We firmly believe that a high quality level also depends on the technology of manufacturing: for this reason we constantly increase our investments in state-of-the-art plants and machinery, together with innovative cultivation processes which have a low environmental impact.

Since 2003 we have been working in compliance with the quality certification Global G.A.P., standard for an agriculture which respects the man and the environment; with the implementation of the Self Control Plan we guarantee safe and healthy food (HACCP system, in compliance with the Ce 852/2004 Rule) and an efficient traceability system of the food products (Rule Ce 178/2002).

With our brand "Società Agricola F.lli Garbin s.s." we aim to promoting the typical products of the Veneto coastline on a national and international market.